Even though draft horses are not as popular as some other breeds of horses, the draft horse is a powerhouse that has been used for centuries in a variety of ways.
If you’re looking to learn more about the Novoolexandrian Draft , then you have come to the right place!
In this post, we will share with you everything that you need to know about the Novoolexandrian Draft Horse. Stay tuned!
Novoolexandrian Draft Breed Info
Here are some of the key things you need to know about the Novoolexandrian Draft:
Height (size) | 14.7 – 15.2 hands high |
Colors | Chestnut in color with flaxen mane |
Country of Origin | Ukraine |
Common Uses | Farm work, meat and milk production |
Novoolexandrian Draft Facts & Information (Breed Profile)
The Novoolexandrian Draft originated as a subtype of the Russian Ardennes (later renamed the Russian Heavy Draft), and hence shares its origins.
Beginning about this period, large numbers of stallions of the French-Belgian Ardennais heavy horse were brought into the Russian Empire from Sweden.
The number of these stallions increased from nine to approximately six hundred between the years 1875 and 1915.
They were crossed with local mares while also introducing some Brabançon, Percheron, and Orlov Trotter blood.
The goal was to create a small draft animal that could be used for farm work.
Within the Russian Ardennes, other breed lines emerged, the smallest of which was the Dibrivsky, named after the stud farm in Dibrivka, Ukraine.
In 1923, breeding stock of this line was transported to the stud farm of Novo-Oleksandrivka (Ukraine), and there, selective breeding for a compact but strong draft horse started.
The Soviet agricultural ministry officially recognized the Ukrainian or Novoolexandrian type in 1970.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and Ukraine’s independence, the Novoolexandrian Draft was granted formal recognition by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy in November 1999.
Even though it was originally intended for draft work, today it is also bred for meat and, most notably, for its abundant production of mare’s milk.
If you’re interested in learning more about this fascinating breed, keep reading!
Alternative Names
“Newolexandrian Heavy Draft”
Physical Characteristics
Smaller compact draft horse
Chestnut in color with flaxen mane
Height (size)
14.7 – 15.2 hands high
Average 15.2 hh
Average 14.7 hh
1,200 – 1,300 lbs (550 – 590 kg)
Blood Type
Common Uses
Farm work, meat and milk production
Popular Traits
Country of Origin
Local Russian mares, Ardennais, Brabançon, Percheron, Orlov Trotter