The Russian Heavy Draft is a breed of draft horse that originated in Russia.
In this post, we’ll discuss the history and characteristics of this breed, so read on to learn more about the Russian Heavy Draft!
Russian Heavy Draft Breed Info
Here are some of the key things you need to know about the Russian Heavy Draft:
Height (size) | 14.1 – 14.9 hands high |
Colors | Most commonly chestnut or strawberry roan, but bays are also seen |
Country of Origin | Russia |
Common Uses | Originally bred for draft work in agriculture; in modern times for milk and meat production |
Russian Heavy Draft Facts & Information (Breed Profile)
Russian Heavy Draft is the oldest and the smallest of several draft breeds also developed in Russia at the same time – Lithuanian Heavy Draft, Soviet Heavy Draft and the Vladimir Heavy Draft.
The goal was to create a small draft animal ideal for farm work.
It was developed in Imperial Russia in the second part of the 19th century and was known as the Russian Ardennes until the Russian Revolution (1917 – 1923).
In 1900, the Russian Ardennes were shown at the Exposition Universelle in Paris.
As was the case with other Russian horse breeds, the First World War and the Russian Revolution led to a severe decrease in numbers, and so by 1924, there were fewer than a hundred stallions left.
However, the breed was re-established by 1937, and in 1952 it was given a new name: “Russian Heavy Draft”.
In the 1980s, a population of about fifty thousand was documented, spread out throughout many different regions of the Soviet Union.
The breed recognizes 2 types, the Ural and the Ukrainian, and 6 male lines.
If you’re interested in learning more about this fascinating breed, keep reading!
Alternative Names
Calm disposition
Physical Characteristics
The head is not heavy, probably due to the Orlov Trotter influence.
The neck is broad, short, muscular, and very high crested in stallions.
The chest is deep and wide, and the withers are broad and low.
The back is wide and long, and the croup is also long and drooping.
The loin is flat.
The legs are short in comparison to the length of the body, and have little or no feathering.
Front legs are sometimes set too far apart.
Overall it is not a big horse, but they are heavy and have lively gaits.
Most commonly chestnut or strawberry roan, but bays are also seen
Height (size)
14.1 – 14.9 hands high
1,200 – 1.550 lbs (550 – 700 kg)
Blood Type
Common Uses
Originally bred for draft work in agriculture; in modern times for milk and meat production
Sickle hocks, and weakness of the back
Popular Traits
Extraordinary weight pulling power
Country of Origin
Local mares, Franco-Belgian Ardennais, Brabançon, Percheron, Orlov Trotter