The Bashkir is a rare breed of horse that originated in Russia, and is known for its extreme hardiness.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Bashkir Horse, keep reading!
Bashkir Horse Breed Info
Here are some of the key things you need to know about the Bashkir horse:
Height (size) | Average 14.0 hands high |
Colors | Bay, chestnut, mouse gray and roan |
Country of Origin | Russia |
Common Uses | Riding, packing, harness, farm work, milk production |
Bashkir Horse Facts & Information (Breed Profile)
Bashkir horses are bred by the Bashkir people, raised mainly in Bashkortostan, a republic within the Russian Federation which lies in the southern Ural Mountains and westwards.
There are two types of this breed: the mountain type, which has a smaller build and is primarily used for riding, and the steppe type, which is somewhat bigger and heavier.
The Bashkir horse’s origins remain unknown to this day.
Its economic worth was recognized in the 19th century, and efforts were made to improve both its working capabilities and its traditional qualities as a milk and meat producer.
The Bashkir horse is very tough, and is regarded as one of the world’s hardiest breeds.
Even though herds are kept out in the open even when the temperature drops to -40 degrees, they are well managed.
The animals spend the winters in pastures, adapting to temperatures as low as -30 and -40 degrees Celsius (-22 to -40 Fahrenheit), and digg for grass buried under the snow.
Although the Bashkir horse is used for riding and for the transportation of loads in the more remote parts of the South Ural Mountains, its primary purpose is that of a dairy breed.
The Bashkir mare produces 1,500 -1,600 liters of milk on average during the course of her lactation period, which lasts 7 – 8 months.
Almost all of a mare’s milk is utilized to make kumys, a fermented dairy product.
The year 1845 marked the beginning of the establishment of breeding centers.
The number of Bashkir horses was estimated to be 94,470 in 2003.
The results of a two-year study that was published in 1990 found that it is highly unlikely that the North American Curly Horse, which also has a curly coat and may be called the “American Bashkir Curly,” descended from Bashkir horses.
If you’re interested in learning more about this fascinating breed, keep reading!
Alternative Names
Physical Characteristics
The head is large with a short neck and low withers.
The back is flat, the chest is deep and the body is wide.
The legs are short with heavy bones.
The coat, and mane and tail are thick and the coat is also often curly.
Bashkir horses are known for their incredible endurance, with reports of them pulling troikas (three-horse sleighs) over distances of 120–140 km (75–87 mi) per day.
Bay, chestnut, mouse grey and roan
Height (size)
Average 14.0 hands high
880 – 1050 lb (400 – 470 kg)
Blood Type
Common Uses
Riding, packing, harness, farm work, milk production
Popular Traits
Remarkable endurance
Country of Origin