The Calabrese is a unique breed of horse that originated in the Calabria region of southern Italy.
Learn more about this interesting breed below!
Calabrese Horse Breed Info
Here are some of the key things you need to know about the Calabrese horse:
Height (size) | 16.0 – 16.2 hands high |
Colors | Bay, brown, black, gray, chestnut |
Country of Origin | Italy |
Common Uses | General riding, equestrian tourism, jumping |
Calabrese Horse Facts & Information (Breed Profile)
The Calabrese horse breed takes its name from the southern Italian region of Calabria, and its horses are known for their mixed Asian and African characteristics.
Calabrian horses are a rare and ancient breed that originated from horses that were bred in Italy prior to the foundation of Rome.
These horses were noticeably different from the heavier Nordic-type horses commonly found in northern Italy, and the breed has continued to be improved up to the present day through the introduction of Arabian, Andalusian, and Thoroughbred bloodlines.
These animals were highly sought after because they embodied the best characteristics of both the sturdy Asian animals and the lively Arabian horses introduced to Europe in the 10th century by the Saracens.
It was during the Bourbon era in the 18th century that they were crossed with the Andalusian horse, which gave them an air of refined elegance.
Breeding of the Calabrese horse continued (with the addition of Andalusian blood) until the early 18th century, when the horses were replaced by mules who proved to be more adapted to the region’s terrain.
In the early 20th century, breeders discovered a newfound interest in preserving the breed, so its survival became a priority.
In more recent times, it was influenced by the Saleritano and the Thoroughbred, which led to an increase in size.
From time to time, they are crossbred with Arabian horses so that they don’t completely lose their refinement and uniquely oriental characteristics.
If you’re interested in learning more about this fascinating breed, keep reading!
Alternative Names
Docile and is easy to train
Physical Characteristics
The head is refined with a straight or slightly convex profile.
The neck is well-shaped and muscular, and the withers are prominent.
The shoulders are sloping and long, and the chest is deep and broad.
The back is straight and the croup muscular.
The legs are muscular, and hooves are well-formed.
It is a strong, resistant and fast horse that has great balance.
Bay, brown, black, gray, chestnut
Height (size)
16.0 – 16.2 hands high
990 – 1,100 lb (450 – 500 kg)
Blood Type
Common Uses
General riding, equestrian tourism, jumping
Popular Traits
Country of Origin
Ancient Greek horses, Arabian, Andalusian, Thoroughbred